Water facility planned for greenery at whispering gallery; Gol Gumbaz

1.5 klm long pipeline from Gagan Mahal moat would be laid to draw the water

BIJAPUR; 01 April: With an objective of making the gardens of the histrionic Gol Gumbaz more attractive and keep the greenery for all through the year. as well as authorities are gearing up to lay the pipeline to the historical monuments.

Though at present the officials of Archaeology Survey of India (ASI) are using a couple of natural water resources for gardening it is facing the deficit of water. Also The lack of availability of water is affecting the looks of the garden. The gardens have been developed in about five acres of land in the premises of Gol Gumbaz BIJAPUR. 

The Department of Tourism in collaboration with Karnataka Urban Water Supply and Drainage Board has geared-up to lay the pipeline of over 1.5 km from the moat of Gagan Mahal to Asar Mahal and Gol Gumbaz to supply water for gardening and other domestic usage. The project is estimated to cost about Rs 1.8 crore.

According to the officials of ASI, “At present we are using water from two natural wells developed in the Adil Shahi dynasty for gardening but it is insufficient. The water deficit is affecting the richness of different gardens developed in the premises of historical monument Gol Gumbaz. If we get water from reliable sources continuously, we can develop a more attractive garden,” said an official from ASI, who wished to be unnamed.

Even the tourists have expressed displeasure over poor maintenance of gardens in Gol Gumbaz in the past. In order to address this problem permanently the authorities have geared-up to pump water from the moat of Gagan Mahal, which is natural resources and water is available in all the seasons, and supply the same to the gardens of Asar Mahal and Gol Gumbaz.

Mallikarjun Bhajantri, Deputy Director of Department of Tourism, pointed that, there is already an existing pipeline, where water is being supplied from Gagan Mahal to Gol Gumbaz but in a couple of places the pipe has been either completely damaged or blocked.

“ So, we have decided to lay the new pipeline. The officials of the water board have prepared the project report and submitted it to higher authorities. At present the project is waiting for the technical approval. Once it is approved the work will be kick-started”, he said.

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