Karnataka’s Bengaluru witnessed less than 10,000 new Covid-19 cases on Sunday for the first time in a month, but the death toll in the state prevails high at 403, including 143 in Bengaluru.
According to the Health Department, the state recorded 31,531 fresh cases with 8,344 cases in Bengaluru at a positivity rate of 27.8%. It is the lowest daily caseload since April 14.
While 26% of Covid-19 cases and 35% of deaths occurred in Bengaluru, infections and deaths have become an issue in other districts. Ballari registered 1,729 new cases with 26 fatalities, Uttara Kannada 1,087 with 24, and Hassan 1,182 with 18.
According to the data, the state conducted 1.1 lakh tests in the last 24 hours. 2,486 beds were set up, 543 patients were examined thrice
City’s civic body, BBMP, included six triage centers to 26 on Sunday. A team of doctors at physical triage centers will work continuously to provide immediate medical care to covid-19 patients.
These triage centers have beds with oxygen and are loaded with primary health facilities. The patients with mild symptoms are treated, and stabilized care is delivered.
The doctors at these centers will also evaluate patients with symptoms and recommend home isolation/covid care center or hospitalization.
As of Sunday, total of 2,486 beds with 1,995 general and 491 oxygen beds have been established. About 543 patients were tested on Sunday. A sum of 991 people, including those registered directly through the Central Hospital Bed Management System, are undergoing treatment, while 1,495 beds were still available for treatment.