Bollywood actor Aamir Khan, who was in trouble without water and electricity during the Chennai cyclone, has been shifted to a safe place by the fire brigade and the rescue team.
Bollywood actor Aamir Khan had come to Chennai a few months ago for his mother’s treatment.
Bollywood actor Aamir Khan was staying at the house of Tamil film actors Vishnu Vishal and Jwala Gutta in the Karapakkam area of Chennai as the water was inundated by Cyclone Michaung.
For the last 24 hours, they were in a lot of trouble as they had no electricity, water, WiFi, or phone connection.
On learning about this, firemen and rescue personnel Aamir Khan, Vishnu Vishal, and Jwala Gutta rescued the distressed locals and shifted them to a safe place.
“Thanks to the fire and rescue department for helping us. Rescue operations have started in Karapakkam. Already 3 boats are working. Tamilnadu government has done a good job in such difficult times. Thanks to all the administrative people who are working continuously,” actor Vishnu Vishal thanked him on Twitter.
8 deaths in Chennai
Cyclone Michaung hit Chennai and its neighboring districts on Sunday (Dec 3) night, inundating thousands of houses and destroying public property across the metropolis. Eight people died due to various reasons including electrocution and falling trees.
Residential areas around Arumbakkam, MMDA, Choolaimedu, and Aminjikari are still inundated even after Cyclone Michong crossed the Chennai coast on Monday night. The city has received 45 cm of rain in the last 2 days.
Heavy rains in Chennai due to cyclone, roads turned into rivers. Videos of vehicles being washed have gone viral. Due to this, a holiday has been declared for educational institutions in rain-prone areas. Until the situation improves, the organizations have advised the employees of private companies to work from home.
Daily functioning is further hampered by varying power supply and internet connectivity. Trees, walls, and electric poles were uprooted due to strong winds. Due to the inundation of government hospitals, health services were temporarily suspended. Metro stations and airports are also inundated.