Chandrayaan-3 can move to a different landing site in case of an issue, to be launched on July 14th

Chandrayaan-3 has advanced capabilities to move to a different landing site in case of an issue, Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chief S Somanath said on Monday, as the organisation prepared for the launch of its third trip to the moon.

The Chandrayaan-3 mission team plans to showcase a first-ever successful soft landing on the moon when they return to the launch pad on July 14.

To increase the chances of success, the agency increased the landing zone’s dimensions to 4 km by 2.5 km.

“We wil target a specific point near the south pole, but for any reason, if it performance is poor, then it can land anywhere within that area. Moreover, we have given it more fuel and capability to travel to a alternate site. But it will definitely land,” said Somanath.

A successful mission will bring India into an elite club of nations – the Soviet Union, China and the US, that have demonstrated successful lunar landings in the past.

Source: News 18

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