New Delhi: In a recent development, the Delhi High Court has granted temporary relief to Pooja Khedkar, a former IAS officer, by directing the police not to arrest her until August 21. Justice Subramanya Prasad, who presided over the hearing of Khedkar’s anticipatory bail application, issued the order.
The court noted that there is no immediate need for Khedkar’s custody during the trial, emphasizing that her arrest is not required at this stage. The court further instructed that Khedkar should cooperate fully with the ongoing investigation.
The Delhi High Court also issued notices to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) and the Delhi Police, asking them to respond to her interim bail application. The court has made UPSC a party to the case.
Khedkar, a 2023 batch IAS officer, is accused of identity forgery. The police have alleged that she falsified her identity by changing her name, along with her parents’ names, portrait, signature, email ID, mobile number, and address. These actions allegedly allowed her to cheat the UPSC and deprived other eligible candidates of their rightful opportunities.
Earlier, on August 1, the Delhi Sessions Court had denied Khedkar anticipatory bail, citing that her actions constituted serious misconduct that impacted the integrity of the UPSC examination process.