Personal assistant of Social Welfare Minister B Sriramulu was arrested in central Bengaluru on Thursday for collecting the money by cheating the people in the name of B Y Vijayendra, son of B Y Yediyurappa. Vijayendra lodged complaint with the police on June 28 saying the man had misused his name to cheat people.
Rajanna alias Raju, 40, was initially speculated to have been arrested from Sriramulu’s house. But police said that he was arrested near Chalukya Hotel, Basaveshwara Circle. The arrest was made by the cybercrime sleuths of the Central Crime Branch (CCB).
Rajanna cheated people in return for illegal gratification in the name of CM’s son. Rajanna allegedly promised to lobby with government officials for a commission. Vijayendra asked the police to take action against all the people involved in this fraud. Vijayendra told the police that neither he knows Rajanna nor has anything to do with him.
Vijayendra has submitted three audio recordings to the police of Rajanna’s telephone conversation with the individuals who had allegedly paid him up for lobbying. In all the audio recordings, he used Vijayendra’s name, police said. Police have found 20 such audio recordings being shared on WhatsApp and social media. Rajanna has been working with Shriramulu since eight years. The police have some photographs of Rajanna with Sriramulu.