In the village of Golarhat in Kendrapara, Odisha, around 120 Muslim women belonging to a self-help group are working tirelessly to meet the high demand for national flags in preparation for Independence Day on August 15th. These women, part of the Utkal Grameen SHG, have been honing their flag-making skills for years and are now working around the clock to complete their orders.
While some women prefer to work from home, others have set up workshops to work together in groups. The demand for national flags has been so high that many flag makers have already sold out, and others are struggling to keep up. The cost of a flag ranges from Rs 50 to Rs 300, and each artisan earns around Rs 10 to Rs 100 per flag they stitch.
The women of the SHG and producer group usually sew clothes, bed sheets, and jackets for schoolchildren, but during special occasions like Independence Day and Republic Day, they focus on creating national flags. They receive financial assistance from the Mission Shakti, an initiative that supports women’s empowerment, and the coordinator of the district Mission Shakti, Kailash Chandra Senapati, is guiding and assisting them in selling the flags.
The dedication and hard work of these Muslim women in creating the Tricolour flags highlights their love and respect for their country and their commitment to contributing to its celebrations.