The Wire journalist Alishan Jafri has shared a video on Twitter, where a person named Suresh Rajput says that the real Diwali has been celebrated in Tripura and this is what Diwali is. Imagine if all Hindus wake up like Tripura what will be your fate, Rajput has asked.
— Alishan Jafri (@alishan_jafri) November 4, 2021
Another person Rahul Sharma is also seen in the video, who said, “If you want to stay in this country, then you must say Vande Mataram, along with Jai Shri Ram.”
“I believe Hindus in Tripura have celebrated the real Diwali. This is what Diwali is. Imagine if all Hindus wake up like Tripura what will be your fate. Your (Arvind Kejriwal) system will be bold, will be finished,” Rajput said.
Jafri has also shared a link to the full video of nearly 42 minutes, which is on Facebook. The video is uploaded by Suresh Rajput and the other person Sharma is introduced in the video and say that they want to give an answer to Kejriwal.
“Nowadays, Kejriwal is trying to spread a lot awareness on Diwali and bursting crackers. So today we’ll give him a does which is necessary for him,” Rajput said in the Facebook live.
In September, Delhi chief minister Arvind Kejriwal had announced that there would be a “complete ban” on the usage, storage or sales of any type of firecrackers inside the city during Diwali. Further, he also appealed to the traders in the national capital to not stock up on firecrackers in view of the ban and in order to avoid losses.
Citing dangerous pollution levels in Delhi as the reason behind the announcement, Kejriwal had tweeted, “In view of the dangerous condition of Delhi’s pollution during Diwali for the past 3 years, like last year, a complete ban is being imposed on the storage, sale and use of all types of firecrackers. So that people’s lives can be saved.”
“These are the Hindus of Tripura who have awaken and celebrated with all the pomp. Kejriwal listen to me if Hindus want to celebrate terrifying Diwali, then Tripura has celebrated the most terrifying Diwali,” Rajput added.