Calling “Twitter a biased platform”, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi accused Twitter of interfering in the country’s political process by blocking his account. Gandhi strongly attacking the microblogging site saying that it was denying millions of followers the right to an opinion and termed it as “an attack on the democratic structure of the country”.
“This is an attack on the democratic structure of the country. This is not an attack on Rahul Gandhi. This is not you know simply shutting Rahul Gandhi down,” he said.
In a video titled, “Twitter’s Dangerous Game”, posted on YouTube, the former Congress chief asked asked whether Indians should allow companies just because they are beholden to the Government of India to define our politics.
“I have 19-20 million followers. You are denying them the right to an opinion. That’s what you are doing,” he said.
It is clear now that Twitter is not a neutral, objective platform, Gandhi said, adding that it is a biased platform. It’s something that listens to what the government of the day says.
By shutting down his Twitter, Congress MP said the microblogging website is interfering in the political process. “A company is making its business to define our politics. And as a politician I don’t like that,” he added.
Alleging that it is patently unfair, he said it has also breached their idea that Twitter is a neutral platform.
“Our democracy is under attack. We are not allowed to speak in Parliament. The media is controlled. And I thought there was a ray of light where we could put what we thought on Twitter. But obviously, that’s not the case,” he said.
Recently, Twitter had suspended Gandhi’s account as he shared pictures of an alleged minor rape victim’s family in Delhi, as it was against the rules and laws.
Twitter on its part said that it has followed the due process as Rahul Gandhi’s tweet on the parents of the victim was against its site’s rules.