BJP MP Varun Gandhi, who has been constantly supporting farmers, writes to Prime Minister Narendra Modi and urged him to make Minimum Support Price legally binding, seeking strict action against MoS Ajay Mishra, whose son allegedly mowed down protesting farmers in Lakhimpur Kheri.
In the open letter, Varun Gandhi has thanked Narendra Modi for repealing the three farm laws and showing open-heartedness.
“Over the last one year, a momentous moment of farmers has taken place across the nation, demanding the repeal of the three farm laws and statutory guarantee of the minimum support base for crops. I thank you for large-heartedness, and announcing that these three laws will be repealed.”
He further noted that more than 700 farmer brothers and sisters have been martyred in this moment, as they peacefully protested in extremely difficult and hostile conditions. “I believe that if this decision had been taken earlier, all this no sense life would have not been lost. It is my humble request to you that while expressing condolences to the families of our family, brothers and sisters were martyred in the moment.”
Therefore, the BJP MP said compensation of rupees one crore each is announced for them, adding that, “furthermore, all politically motivated false fires that have been registered as weapons of harassment against the farmers during this movement must be immediately scorched.”
In his second demand, he has urged the prime minister to make MSP legally binding for the empowerment of farmers.
“There are more than 65% small and marginal farmers in our country. For the empowerment of these farmers, we have to ensure that they get remunerative prices for their crops. This moment will not end without the resolution of this demand and there will be widespread anger amongst them which will continue to emerge in one form or the other. Therefore, it is very important for the farmers to get the statutory grantee of MSP for the crops.”
“The MSP should be based on the C2+50% formula of the Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices. In this regard, my humble request to you is that the government must immediately accept this demand in the interest of our nation. This will give us sizable economic security cover to our farmers, and there will be the worst improvement in their condition, Varun Gandhi said in the letter.
“Many leaders sitting in senior positions have given proactive, provocative statements against our agitating farmers. It is the result of such statements and the adversarial atmosphere created around the moment that on October 3, five of our farmer brothers were crushed to death by where he comes in lack of Lakhimpur Kheri. The heartbreaking incident is a blemish on our democracy.”
He has requested PM Modi in the letter that ‘appropriately strict action’ is taken against Union Minister who has been connected to the incident so that there is a fair inquiry.
“Democracy runs on constitutional discourse and empathy. The farmers expect you to solve their problems in a sensitive and timely manner. I believe that by accepting the demands of farmers according to the democratic and constitutional values of a nation, your respect shall further increase the country in the country,” he said adding that he hope Narendra Modi will take a concrete decision in the matter soon.