The brutal rape and murder of a 31-year-old woman in one of India’s prestigious medical college has become a global outrage now. Doctors from multiple hospitals across India have announced an indefinite strike to protest the recent rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata. The strike, which includes major cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata, will halt all elective services until a thorough investigation into the case is completed.
The tragic incident involved a 31-year-old postgraduate trainee doctor who was found raped and murdered at the government-run RG Kar Medical College. Her body was discovered in a seminar hall late Thursday night. Initial autopsy results revealed severe injuries, including bleeding from the eyes, mouth, and private parts, as well as wounds on her left leg, neck, right hand, ring finger, and lips.
In response, city Police Commissioner Vineet Goyal visited RG Kar Medical College for the second time in three days, meeting with protesting junior doctors. He assured the public of a “transparent” investigation and urged against the spread of rumors. So far, the police have arrested one suspect, Sanjoy Roy, a civic volunteer who frequently visited the hospital but was not affiliated with it. Roy reportedly returned home and attempted to destroy evidence by washing his clothes the following morning.
The striking doctors are demanding not only justice for the victim but also enhanced security measures to protect medical staff working in high-risk environments. The ongoing strike highlights the urgent need for systemic changes to ensure the safety of healthcare workers across the country.