Child marriage and sati became widespread in India with the advent of Islam; RSS leader with controversial remarks

New Delhi: Senior RSS leader Krishna Gopal has attributed the spread of child marriage, sati, widow remarriage and illiteracy among women in India to the invasion of Islam. Krishna Gopal made the controversial remark while speaking about women empowerment at the ‘Nari Shakti Sangam’ program of Delhi University. Gopal claimed that many restrictions were placed on women and girls in medieval times to protect them from aggressors. The Middle Ages were a very difficult time. The whole country was struggling with conquest. Temples were destroyed. Great universities were destroyed. Women are in danger.-RSS leader continued.

Hundreds of thousands of women were kidnapped and sold in markets around the world. Be it (Ahmad Shah) Abdali, (Muhammad) Ghori, (Mahmud of Ghazni), they all brought women from here and sold them in markets all over the world. Gopal alleged that it was a period of great humiliation.

Before the Islamic conquest, there was a large-scale empowerment of women. But with the advent of Islam, child marriage began as a way to protect daughters from aggressors by marrying off young. Thus girls stopped going to schools and Gurukuls and became uneducated.

Sati had no place in our country. Later incidents of self-immolation began to occur. Remarriage of widows was restricted. The situation worsened as many Hindu men were killed in the battles. But today, a lot has changed from all that.- said the RSS leader.

Today, girls are making more progress than boys in board exams. Women contribute a lot in various professional fields. Calling on women to free themselves from the influence of western culture, the RSS leader also asked them to educate their children to imbibe Indian values.

“Use technology, fly airplanes, work in ISRO, be a scientist, doctor, engineer…do whatever you like, but remain a woman. Because a woman is the backbone of a family.” Along with the desired career, the kitchen should also be managed. Even when she became the Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi used to do kitchen work.’-Krishna Gopal added.

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