Israel’s blockade of Gaza marks 15th anniversary

Its been fifteen years since Israel blockaded the Gaza Strip. Since the imposition of the blockade tens of thousands of people have lost their jobs making them unemployed. The unemployed rate of Gaza has soared by 50.2% by the end of 2021. It is the highest in the world, reported Middle East Eye.

Israel imposed a blockade on Gaza, after Hamas won the legislative elections in 2006. It tightened the restrictions a year later, by imposing land,air and sea blockade.
Citing ‘the separation policy’, the Israeli government had restricted the movement of people and goods in and out of the coastal enclave. The policy which aims to avoid the transferring ‘a human terrorist network’ according to the Israeli authorities have a catastrophic effect on the social and economic life of two million people Palestinians living in the Gaza strip, reported Middle East Eye.

The blockade has also caused a crisis of mental health on with four out five children are believed to be in depression, grief or fear, while more than half of them have contemplated suicide. The average debt among the poorest refugee family is twice that of their income and around 25% of them are at risk of imprisonment due to debt.

The Human Rights Watch (HRW) released a report on the 15th anniversary of Israel’s blockade on the Gaza strip said that Israeli policies make Gaza an “open air prison” and are part of its crimes against humanity.
“As many people around the world are once again travelling two years after the start of covid-19 pandemic, Gaza’s more than two million Palestinians remain under what amounts to a 15 year lockdown” said Omar Shakir HRW’s Israel and Palestinian director.

Source: Middle East Eye

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