While medical entrance examinations are considered the toughest among all, Karnataka’s Rekha Adoor has secured 591 marks out of 720 in this year’s National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET). Twenty-year-old Adoor, who lost her parents just a month before the examination registered an All India Rank (AIR) of 22,883 and scored 94.75 percent in her 2nd PUC examinations in the PCMB stream.
Adoor, hailing from the Koppal district in Karnataka aspires to become a cardiologist. While it was just one month to write NEET examinations, she lost her father to a cardiac arrest. Just a few months earlier, Adoor had lost her mother too.
Pursuing her 1st and 2nd PUC integrated with NEET syllabus from Shaheen Group of Institutions in Bidar, Adoor gave a second attempt for the medical entrance examinations and believed that “If I study in Shaheen, only then I’ll be able to crack this exam in the second attempt.”
Rekha Adoor shared her NEET success journey with The Hindustan Gazette, saying that even after losing my parents and everything, “If I could still attempt and clear this examination, it was because of my Shaheen (Group of Institutions) family, who believed in me, guided me and supported me through one of the tough times of life.”
“I started coaching about three years ago since I was in 1st PUC from Shaheen College,” she said. A native of Kushtagi town in Koppal, Adoor moved to Bidar district to study at Shaheen College. “At first attempt, I couldn’t crack the examination, so I continued in the same institution for cracking the exam,” she said, adding that whenever she used to break down, missing her parents and thought she couldn’t do it anymore, “Nearly 15-20 staff members including my Principal used to console and motivate me through my tough times.”
When asked about her aim in life, Adoor said that she wants to serve poor people in life. “That’s what they teach in Shaheen, to serve poor people.”