Uttarakhand tunnel collapse: rescued workers on their return say: “Childhood returned, We Played Chor Sipahi”

It is always said to keep the inner child inside you and do not lose it because it is a symbol of the childish character trait which we all have inside us but we do not show it much often in front of people. The recent example comes from the Uttarakhand tunnel collapse which took place on November 12 in the Silkyara tunnel collapse where 41 workers trapped for over 2.5 weeks.

All the workers were rescued on Tuesday evening by the rescue team in an successful attempt. The trapped workers thanked the rescuers and said that in that dark tunnel they used to spend their time by playing their childhood favourite games like ‘Raja Mantri Chor Sipahi’ in order to keep themselves distracted and keep despair at bay. Amongst the rescued workers, one of the workers told NDTV this morning. He also said that they managed to play cricket inside the tunnel, “We put cloth inside our socks and made it into a ball, like we did in our village when we were children. And there were sticks in the tunnel that served as bats,” he stated.

Pushkar Singh Ari, who is from Champavat in Uttarakhand is currently staying at the makeshift hospital which is loacted near the tunnel following his rescue with 41 others last night. When asked when they would be allowed to go to their home, he said over the phone, “Nothing is confirmed yet. They are saying we may be taken to AIIMS, Rishikesh for CT scans. They are saying our condition will be monitored for 24 hours.”

When the NDTV reporters asked him about his experience inside the tunnel, Mr Ari said the hours before rescue teams managed to contact them were very tough. “We had no hope at all. We were not able to understand the situation, we were blank,” he said.

Mr Ari said that electricity was although present in the section of the tunnel where they were actually trapped in. “But there was no source of oxygen. As for water, the water dripping in from the mountains into the tunnel was the only source. We did not have drinking water,” he added.

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