The Bhartiya Janata Party (BJP) has elected Om Birla as the Lok Sabha Speaker once again. Following his win, PM Narendra and Congress leader Rahul Gandhi congratulated Birla, both of whom escorted him to the Speaker’s chair.
PM Modi lauded Birla’s work as a parliamentarian and said that his work should be an inspiration for the new Lok Sabha members. “I congratulate you on behalf of the entire House and look forward to your guidance for the next five years. Your sweet smile keeps the entire House happy,” he said. On the other hand, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi said that he hoped that the Opposition would get a chance and equal voice to have in the House. “The opposition would like to assist you in your work. I am confident you will allow us to speak in House,” Gandhi said.
Meanwhile, the opposition Congress government also put its demand to get a deputy speaker in the Lok Sabha. The Lok Sabha’s official website, in its link for Deputy Speaker, states that “the position of Deputy Speaker has been vacant since May 2019”. Samajwadi Party president Akhilesh Yadav blamed the saffron party for forcing the contest by not yielding to the opposition’s demand of getting a deputy speaker.