Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa presented the state budget for 2021-22 on Monday, The leader of opposition Siddaramaih and Congress MLA’s boycotted the budget. CM Yediyurappa who holds the Finance Portfolio, announced that he had put no additional tax burden on the common people to relieve the load of hardship due to an increase in fuel prices. He said that the state government excises Karnataka Sales Tax (KST) on petrol and diesel, and it is already lesser than the other southern states.
Karnataka budget highlights on the occasion of International women’s day’. Yediyurappa announced women empowerment schemes and plans at the cost of Rs 37,188 crores.
Special women bus pass ‘Vanitha Sangathi’ with a rebate and approval of special loan up to Rs 2 crore with a 4% interest rate to women entrepreneurs were set forth. The government decided to enhance Anganwadis to Shishu Palana Kendra. E-markets will be established to help the women entrepreneurs in significant cities of the state. Women working in garment factories will get discounted bus pass. the scheme will be allocated with 30cr. Women and Children’s budget to be installed under Panchayat Raj. 7,500 CCTV cameras to be installed in Bengaluru. Tech-based e-beat to be positioned during night hours to ensure women’s safety. Excellence center to help women who are harassed and abused.
The CM said the State’s GDP during the year 2020-21 has seen a fall due to lockdown, and as per the initial estimation based on fixed prices, the State’s GDP has contracted by 2.6% compared to that of 2019-20. He further stated that despite Covid and the occurrence of floods in North Karnataka during 2020-21, growth of 6.4 % is observed in the agriculture sector and said, however, the industrial and service sector witnessed a decline. During 2020-21, the State’s GSDP contracted 5.1% in the industrial sector and 3.1% in the service sector.
Bengaluru development has received an allocation of Rs 7,795 crores
Rs 31,028 crores have been allocated to the agriculture and allied sectors; Rs 62,150 crores have been set apart for the welfare sector that involves health, education, backward classes development, etc. Some big-ticket projects from the water resources ministry, subsidies and concessions for entrepreneurs and farmers, and plans of new policies on cybersecurity and defense manufacturing have found prominent mention in the budget. “In Karnataka, Rs 5,372 crores have been spent for the COVID-19’s management, and 63.59 lakh beneficiaries of different sectors have been given help,” Yediyurappa said.