Former Minister KS Eshwarappa made a provocative statement regarding the stone pelting incident during the Meelad procession in Shimoga and said that the Hindu society knows how to answer with a sword.
Speaking at the district BJP office, Eshwarappa said, “I would like to tell the Chief Minister, the Home Minister and the Muslim goons that it will come to the Hindu society to answer the with a sword.”
The Home Minister said that no one held a sword in the procession. The Congress government is the slave of Muslims. This is a program designed to instill fear in Hindus. He has stated that whoever inspired them, they are all traitors.
The place given for the procession by the police is different, even though they told them to finish the procession at 6 pm, they did it till 7.30 pm. Is the police department alive in Shimoga? Long live the government. Let the Home Minister come and visit the houses in that area.