Bangalore City Police Commissioner Dayananda said that only share photos and videos on social media with those you know personally and keep social media accounts private.
Speaking at a press conference held on Tuesday, he said, “The legal head of a reputed company in Bangalore complained that he had morphed the photos of many girls including colleagues. In connection with this case, cybercrime police have arrested the accused,” he said.
“A mobile phone was recovered from the arrested person. “It has come to light during the police investigation that the accused has about 12,000 photos of women on his phone, and he used to download photos of women from WhatsApp, Instagram and Snapchat, morph them and blackmail them,” he said.
“Therefore, the public should keep their social media accounts private and share their photos and videos only with those they know personally,” he appealed to the citizens.
“Cybercrime police have arrested two persons who were cheating senior citizens by issuing premature policies in the name of reputed insurance companies,” he said.
“Investigation revealed that the accused had collected around ₹1,80,00,000 from innocent people as an advance payment for the policy, and out of this amount, ₹40,00,000 was deposited in his account and cheated senior citizens. Also, many cases of cyber fraud have been discovered during the investigation,” he said.