Udupi Police Crack Down on Corruption and Negligence, Suspend Over 80 Personnel in a Year

Udupi: The district police department has taken decisive action against corruption and dereliction of duty, suspending more than 80 personnel, including four Sub-Inspectors (SIs), over the past year. This marks the first time such a large number of police officers have been suspended in Udupi.

Under the leadership of District Superintendent of Police (SP) Dr. Arun K., who recently completed a year in office, the focus has been on ensuring accountability within the police force. Officers found neglecting their duties have faced disciplinary action, including suspension and transfer.

Of the four suspended SIs, some have since been reinstated to different stations. The reasons for suspension include involvement with illegal sand smugglers, accepting bribes, and aiding individuals on humanitarian grounds but violating the law in the process.

SP Dr. Arun K. has encouraged the public to report any allegations of corruption directly to his office. Reports against SIs should be filed with the Circle Inspector, while allegations involving constables, SIs, or inspectors should be reported to the Deputy SP. The suspension period can range from one month to longer, during which the suspended officers receive half their salary.

Those who believe they have been falsely accused can present their case to the Inspector General (IG) if they have supporting documents.

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