After the shocking parliamentary breach took place in the Lok Sabha on December 13, 2023 during one of the sessions in the Lok Sabha which actually marked the 22 years since the 2001 terror attack in Parliament, proceedings which took place in both the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha witnessed major disruptions.
The Opposition had made a demand from Union minister Amit Shah whereas, several other members had demanded his resignation. After such disturbing instances that followed the security breach, 14 MPs which also included Rajya Sabha member Derek O’Brien, were suspended on Friday.
The Winter Session’s last week noticed some disruptions over Wednesday’s security breach incident when the Lok Sabha began its proceedings. There were two consecutive adjournments in Rajya Sabha after resuming the proceedings at 2 pm. Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, Congress MP made a request to the Lok Sabha Speaker to revoke the suspension of 13 parliamentarians.
“Considering the fact that the Members who have been suspended on account of ‘unruly conduct’ were pressing for an explanation from the Government on very troubling issues, to me, it appears to be appropriate to hear them on their concerns and points of view. Considering the factors that led to the suspension of 13 members in the recent days, I would urge that the matter be re-looked into holistically and appropriate action taken to revoke the suspension and restore order in the House,” he wrote to the Speaker.
There were a total of thirty-three opposition members who were suspended from the Lok Sabha on Monday which included Congress leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury, Dayanidhi Maran and DMK MPs T R Baalu. Meanwhile, there were total 30 MPs who got suspended for the remainder of the Winter Session, three other were suspended pending the report of Privileges Committee.