14 days mission without rest for lander and rover; To do chemical testing and data collection

The Chandrayaan 3 probe, which successfully landed on the lunar soil and consists of a lander and a rover, is in for test observations. One day on the Moon is equivalent to 14 days on Earth. During these 14 days, the lander and rover, which are part of the Chandrayaan probe, will conduct chemical tests on the lunar soil.

Radio Anatomy of Moon Bound Hypersensitive Ionosphere and Atmosphere (RAMBA) to determine lunar plasma density, Lunar Surface Thermophysical Experiment (CHASTE) to measure soil temperature, Lunar Seismic Activity Instrument (ILSA) to measure seismicity around the landing site, laser for lunar laser ranging studies delivered by NASA. The lander carries instruments called retroreflector arrays (LRA). The lander will conduct experiments at the landing site using these instruments. Along with this, the cameras on the lander will capture pictures and images of the lunar surface.

The rover is equipped with the Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to examine the chemical composition of minerals and elements on the lunar surface, and the Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) to determine the chemical composition of soil and rock around the lunar landing site. The rover will roll across the flat surface of the moon and conduct experiments at various locations.

The rover’s findings from the test will be transmitted to the lander. This information is provided by ISRO’s Indian Deep Space Mission at Byalal, Bangalore. It will be handed over to the Network (IDSN). Also, Chandrayaan 2’s orbiter is currently operational. The lander has also established contact with this orbiter. The lander can also transmit data to the observatory through this orbiter. Chandrayaan 3 is designed by ISRO to gather maximum information about the Moon in 14 precious days.

Meanwhile, after the separation of the lander module, the single propulsion module continues to orbit the Moon in a 153 km close and 163 km orbit. The propulsion module will continue orbiting the Moon until the operation is complete.

Meanwhile, the module’s Spectro-Polarimetry of Habitable Planet Earth (SHAPE) instrument will observe the Earth and the universe. The instrument will study future minor planets and the presence and habitability of life there.

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