Blood- the gift of life, World celebrates Blood Donor Day today

Blood Donor Day

Every year, World Blood Donor Day (WBDD) is observed across the world on 14th June. The purpose of this day is to increase public awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products as well as to express gratitude to volunteers and unpaid blood donors for their gifts of life-saving blood.

The gift of life, blood, is the most priceless gift someone can give to another. If the blood is divided into its component parts – red cells, platelets, and plasma – which can be utilized separately for patients with specific illnesses, donating blood can save a life, or possibly several lives.

This year’s theme of World Blood Donor Day 2023 is “Give blood, give plasma, share life, share often.” It emphasises how crucial it is to routinely donate blood or blood plasma in order to build a safe and sustainable supply of blood and blood products that can always be available, wherever in the world, allowing all patients in need to get timely, life-saving treatment.

WHO decided to celebrate this day on the birthday of Karl Landsteiner, who was an Austrian American immunologist, pathologist. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1930 for his works on blood group and development of the modern blood transfusion system.

The significance of donating blood is not just to save the lives of deprived people but it also to save lives of people who are fighting diseases and numerous illnesses.

Benefits of donating blood

There are various health benefits of donating blood, apart from serving patients it helps the donor significantly. Regularly donating blood helps in maintaining healthy iron levels in the body, reducing the chances of conditions like hemochromatosis.

It significantly minimises heart attack risks and protects the body against other heart ailments.

Blood donation does not cause weakness as the body produces new cells after blood donation, to enhance the overall body health as it works to replenish the blood lost within 48 hours of donation.

Studies say that most blood donors tend to recover fast from their diseases and even live longer.

Another significant health benefit that blood donors have over others is that donating blood helps in maintaining a healthy weight, keeps the liver healthy and reduces the risk of cancer.

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