MP couple cultivates world expensive mango deploys 4 guards, 6 dogs to protect the saplings

In Madhya Pradesh, a couple has deployed four guards and six dogs to prevent the theft of two mango trees.

Rani and Sankalp Parihar, a orchardist couple, planted two mango trees years ago. According to reports, however, they had little idea that the two mango saplings would be ready to enter the unusual ruby ​​or colorful mangoes Japanese Miyazaki.

Miyazaki mango is said to be one of the most expensive varieties of mangoes in the world. The daily citing a Japanese media report as saying that Miyazaki mangoes, also known as sun egg, sold at ₹2.70 lakh per kg in the international market last year.

According to the farmer couple, last year, some thieves broke into their orchards and stole mangoes locally after known that they had started growing this rare fruit. However, couples can protect two trees.

As a result, the couple deployed four guards and six dogs to protect the rare trees and seven mangoes. As a result, the couple deployed four guards and six dogs to protect the rare trees and seven mangoes.

Explaining in detail how they started growing this rare variety of mango, he was on his way to Chennai to buy some saplings when he met a man on a train, who introduced him what later turned out to be Miyazaki.
“He offered me these saplings and asked us to take care of them like our children. We planted it in the orchard without knowing what kind of mangoes it would produce.”

Sankalp named the mangoes Damini, after the name of his mother.

Parihar told the daily, “Later, we researched this type and found the real name. But it’s still Damini to me.”

Sankalp’s wife Rani said that many people have shown interest in buying Miyazaki mango. She said a jeweler from Mumbai was willing to pay ₹21,000 for a mango.

However, the couple has not yet decided to sell the mangoes to anyone, and will grow them instead.

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